Scrolling down plays a key role in a landing page how successful it can be depends on the design and correctly selected website components. For example, in the image below we added a colorful picture showing the extension and quality of the monitor and a small slogan. As you can see, it’s simple, but that’s the point. After all, everything ingenious is simple. AIDA secrets in copywriting Any experienced and not so experienced marketer can explain to you why AIDA is so popular for advertising strategies. And any experienced copywriter can immediately write you a couple of effective texts using this technique. Nov Who will benefit from this information? owners of online stores, business card sites, catalogues copywriters, editors graphic designers for those who are just thinking about creating a website . While writing the article, the author involuntarily thought of Michael Jackson’s Earth song, namely the fragment what about us.
Where to look? Let's start with the basics. When you open a website, you involuntarily photo retouching glance at the text. The about us page is the first thing the reader encounters. It is placed in online stores, landing pages, and business card sites. It would seem like just a text fragment, but after reading it, the client will draw a conclusion about your company, brand, website. And then the decision to trust you or not will come on its own. Trust, purity of thoughts and unobtrusive advertising text are the main components of the about us page. First, some background. The about us page is text of any size that tells what the company does.

We decided to tell you more about it for a reason, because it is really very important. An example of a good company text. This text is filled with love and respect. About Us Page Translation You have exactly a couple of seconds to interest the reader. And this is where the fun begins. Your goal is to attract attention, sell what the company does and present it from the best side. How to rate the about us page Start from the beginning.